Saturday, December 6, 2014

new post for today.


Assalammualaikum... wow.. trase lame dh x update blog kan... *on pon x mcm mane nk update?*
heheheee.. erm... tahun 2014 dh nak penghujung.. mcm-2 brlaku tahun ni.. happy, sad, mad, semue lah brlaku dlm tahun ni.. x sangke dah habis sem 1.. rase macam baru smalam masuk orientasi.. hurm..
next year dah kne bukak buku baru dan azam baru dah.. sem 2 pulak.. nk kne struggle habis.. sbb sem 1 ni main-2 je.. nak x nak blajar.. blajar x ikhlas mcm tu lah.. ape yg blajar smue x lekat dlm kepala.. Astaghfirullah'alazim.. lepas ni dh x boleh buat mcm tu dah.. kne ubah yg lebih baik.. insyaAllah.. doakan aku ye kawan-2... hehehee...
malas nk taip panjang-2.. DD aku pon dh berbulan x terisi.. busy.. ecewah.. busy lah sangat... okay lah.. smpai sini je ye.. next time aku taip panjang sikit dari ni.. homework x siap lagi.. ops.. assignment.. wlaupon blajar di skolah.. tp taraf kita lebih tinggi dari plajar arus perdana.. Pra-Siswi gittew.. hohohoo.. *gediks yulks.*
Btw, ilmu.. kite boleh dapatkannya dlm apa cara skalipun kan??.. yang penting USAHA.. tanpa usaha.. ilmu xkan dtg bergolek terlentang kat depan kita.. xkan nk kena suap je memanjang.. klau x cari.. xkan dpt ilmu tu.. haha.. makin berjela pulak.. x siap jugak kerja aku nnt.. okay lah.. chauchinchau.. Assalammualaikum..

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

International Red Crescent camp at Festival Belia, Putrajaya. 2014

Asalammualaikum w.b.t..
hye (for non muslim)..
firstly I want to said i'm not good in english.. so my grammar or spell maybe have some incorrect.. I just want to say sorry..
okay.. dear reader's.. you must be wondering where I am studying right??
i'm continue my study as form 6 (pra-university) in same school.. actually I got GMI (German-Malaysian Institute) but I had to reject the offer because don't get permission from my parents.. I got course Diploma a In Industrial Electronics (Mechatronics).. I love it.. but how can I do?? without parents permission.. I can't do anything.. so.. forget it.. if I think about it again.. it make me sad and down..

okay.. I just wanted to share the story of my experiences during in the international red crescent camp in 3 days.. (23 until 25 may 2014) [friday until sunday]
i'm look fat.. sob.. sob.. :'(

 actually, 6 countries participated in this camp .. These include Malaysia, Thailand, Philipines, Vietnam, Singapore and Indonesia..

nice to meet you
Natutuwa akong makilala kayo

congratulations because you are selected to represent your country join the international Red Crescent camp in malaysia..
hope all's of you like and love Malaysia.. do not forget to come to Malaysia again..!!
they are very friendly and sporting.. very comfortable to be friends with them.. hope can meet you again in future..

This is my first time participating in the camp... so far so good.. actually at first day.. I don't like it.. because must sleeping in a tent near the bathroom.. me and my friend could not food because we were not able information about it.. Our school came late in the destination so we are a bit behind to get information..
after we get bag, shirt, book, card, and tag..

we have to choose one colour among 7 colours available for made a team.. i'm choose gray colour.. then the leader gave me fabric sling gray colour..

our gray leader.. chicken group..
(took from FB)
First night.. our activity is cultural evening.. 7 group must send a representative to do acting about red crescent.. foreigners also have to make a presentation for us..
from thailand
from vietnam
from philipines
from indonesia

that's picture I took from some friends in facebook without permission.. so so so sorry..
I much like performing from thailand and philipines because they make me fresh.. actually, that night i'm really-2 sleepy.. 12 am right..? for me it's time to sleep.. I eat "gula-gula hacks" (candy) but it doesn't work.. still feel sleepy..

we're sleepy..

first night at the camp.. peace..

performing from thailand.. oh no.. that's night.. he's choose me for join them dance in front.. firstly i'm blank.. shock.. then i'm shy.. hahahaa.. he's made me shy.. I will not forget that memories.. seriously..
ขอขอบคุณสำหรับการเรียนการสอนให้ฉันเต้นรำของคุณ (google translate)
Thank you for teaching me your dance.. ขอบคุณมาก

Next morning.. we woke up in the morning in 3:30 am.. something like that.. for take a shower.. then continue the sleep.. hahaa.. so early right??
6:30 take a breakfast.. then we going to Jom Heboh until 11.30 am..

 we watch rhythmic marching competition at national level.. I think..

with them,

we met them.. actor malaysia in live.. wow.. actually I don't know who they are..
because i'm not watch television..

finally,, I'm touch this motorcycle.. superbike..!! arghh (screaming) !!.. I love it.. don't know why.. hehe..
sorry.. i'm excited...
see.. the same height right?? I can't be a police because i'm short.. huhuu..

then, we back to the camp.. take lunch.. then celcome come for do it some promotion.. then take dinner that evening..
lunch time

then back to the tent.. take a shower.. then.. then.. (how many 'then' laa..) hahahaa..

okay.. second night.. that night.. last night.. we going back to jom heboh until 11:30 pm..

teacher hafidah teach us how to use that fabric sling.. sorry teacher.. if not.. we don't know anything because we are a bit behind..

you're so cute teacher.. chan khun mak.. mahal kita guro..


 then we meet them from Thailand.. We asked for help from the teacher Hafidah to talk to them to take pictures with them.. They are very kind person.. thank you for being sporting with us.. :)

with them from Thailand..
bird, thun, oun, phan and fern.
sorry not clear..

take some pic as memories.. at jom heboh.. sorry not clear..
last day (25 may 2014/sunday)
at morning.. breakfast.. then we must gathered in groups.. our groups do some review... 
group grey fasilitator.. our facy..

and TADAAAA... 
then we break for lunch.. after that, they give us time for packing our bag and tent..

I think they from Singapore.. sorry I'm not remember..

Lastly, a simulation activities as closing event ..

it was awesome.. looks like real..

after that.. we can back home..
while waiting for bus coming.. me, wawa n zatie take some picture with them..
friendly and sporting guy.
he's from philipines..
salamat sa iyo kaya magkano, Fredie..

with sporting guy...

he's also from philipines.. he so friendly..
salamat sa iyo kaya magkano, Arvin..
he's from thailand..

friendly and sporting.. Thun,
it was he who chose me to dance with them in front..
ขอบคุณมาก , Thun.

the end... at here I know encik Baim,, abg dino and else.. btw, gray group leader is responsible and friendly.. nice to know you leader..!!

we're the BEST..!!




with eiqa.. tentmate.. where ever we go.. we're together..
we woke up 3:30 am together.. breakfast, lunch, dinner..
what we do, we go,, must together..
peace no war.

crazy for awhile.

with bella
with zatie..

with mila.. my tent beside her tent..nice to meet you young girl..
 i'm older than her..  she's so friendly and sporting..
hope we can meet again in future..

will never forget the memories during their stay at camp

extra : my face..!! sunburn..!! oh no..!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

boring. . . ext : novels

Assalammualaikum Dear Blogger..
psst.. bosan kan blog aku nih?? x sntiase up to date (update)..
sbb aku jarang bukak notebook hp mini ni.. heheheee...
x tau nk post ape.. ceh.. klau aku jd reader blog ni.. msti aku akn cakap..
"bosan gile blog ni.. x pandai mengarang ke ape??" HA HA HA
so boring.. aku tgah bosan sebnarnye ni.. sbb ambil cuti separuh hari.. demam punye pasal.. masuk harini dh 5 hari aku demam.. tahun ni paling kerap aku demam.. dlm sebulan msti ade demam... klau x larat sgt baru aku inform ibu yg aku ni demam.. baru ibu akan pakse aku makan ubat.. hahahaa..
kalau x?? jgn harap lah wey.. slagi masih boleh tahan.. aku tahan.. x de nye aku nk inform ibu sbb xnak makan ubat.. terukkan?? org takut pegi klinik sbb takut jarum.. aku pulak suke kan jarum.. injection xpe.. tp jgn bagi ubat.. memng x lah aku nk makan balik dari klinik.. makan sebiji due biji buat syarat je utk kaburkan mate parents.. ceh.. anak jenis ape lah aku ni kan?? hahahaa.. so topic today adalah boring sbb aku tgah bosan skarang..

I like novels.. x sabar nak baca novel yg munirah buat.. katenye heroin die aku.. ceh perasan.. tp name yg aku bg likes hero tu semue name yg pnah dtg dlm mimpi aku bbrape tahun lepas.. mimpi yg aku rase x logic.. mimpi secare berturut slame setahun... heheheheee...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

today's life (S.E.L.A.S.A)


Dear Blogger..  today's life.. demam..?? dh sehat dh.. hehehee.. suspek denggi.. suspek je.. x denggi pon.. Alhamdulillah.. bos pulak bg aku cuti smpai isnin.. Alhamdulillah.. thanks bos.. dh trlebih rehat smpai tekanan darah jd rendah mcm tuan punye badan.. eh silap.. cik la kan?? aku bukan llaki nk dpt gelaran 'tuan'... hehe..
okay.. dh 2 hari aku mem'busy'kan diri (sejak masuk kerja).. spatutnye rehat pukul 1.. aku kluar rehat pukul 1.30 atau selagi x dihalau oleh PA bos.. pukul 2 ptg la aku kluar rehat.. balik pulak.. spatutnye pukul 5.30.. tp aku slalu overtime.. hahahahaa.. slagi x dihalau oleh 'mereka'.. slagi tu lah aku x balik.. slame ni x pnah pon bwk balik buku budak ke rumah.. sejak akhir-2 ni ntah knp.. nk bwk keje ke rumah.. busy kan diri.. klau xde keje.. duduk ats.. malas nk turun bwh.. turun bile perlu je...
x tau la knp.. slame ni ade je yg aku nk kongsikan dkat moments wechat aku tu.. ade je mangse yg kene kacau dgn aku kt wechat tu.. tp kalini rase.. ntah.. aku tahan diri dari update moments.. haha.. pelik kan??
hakikatnye aku nk senyapkan diri buat seketika..
spanjang harini hati dh bnyak terluke.. terluke dgn org yg sgt-2 aku sayang.. bukan sbb ape.. aku berjauh hati dgn sikap mereka.. knp layan aku mcm ni..?? aku tau aku x pandai mcm die.. aku tau bnyak kelemahan dlm diri aku ni... tp jangan lah layan aku mcm ni.. dah-2.. layan perasaan pulak aku kat sini.. klau dulu.. aku call bestie aku.. menangis dkat die.. die ade bg aku semangat dan dorongan.. die ade utk hiburkan hati aku yg tgah berduka.. syu.. fau.. thanks for everything.. sayang korang sgt-2.. terimekasih sbb slalu ade dkat sisi slame bertahun ni.. tapi kalini.. aku nak cube berdikari.. Allah s.w.t tempat aku mengadu.. diari yg terbaik buat aku adalah bersujud pd ilahi.. Ya Allah.. ampunkanlah segala dosa ku.. ampunkan segala dosa buat ibu dan ayah ku.. buat saudara mara ku, guru-2 ku serta sahabat-2 ku..
SAHABAT.. rindu mereka sgt-2.. dah bnyak gambar bestie.. syu.. fauzia.. syifaa.. moon.. aku tampal dlm DD (Dear Diary) aku tu.. aku rindu sgt nk spend time dgn mereka.. rindu fikrahrianss.. rindu shera.. rindu liyana.. rindu memey.. rindu semuanye.. kenangan bersama mereka.. hahahaa.. mcm hape je kan.. x smpai setahun dh rindu.. gedik betul aku ni kan..?? Al-fatihah buat sahabat-2 ku.. semoga korang sentiase dlm keadaan yg sehat walafiat.. aamin..
KAMPUNG.. wan..!! rindu wan..!! ya Allah.. sejak kerja ni.. aku dh lame x balik kampung.. slalu nye.. klau ayah balik kampung aku akn ikut.. tp kalini,.. memandangkan aku kerja hari sabtu.. aku dh x dpt ikut balik kampung.. sob.. sob.. rindu wan.. slalunye tiap bulan mesti jmpe wan even sekali.. tp dh brp bulan aku x balik kampung..?? ='( klau muar lagi lah.. rindu atok..!! rindu sgt-2.. wan.. atok.. stay healthy okay..?? miss u so much..
STRESS.. last aku jmpe doktor pakar neuro.. dh 3 tahun aku alami sakit kpale yg kerap.. doktor kate aku stress.. tekanan.. klau nk sembuh.. kne hilang kan stress.. cakap dkat diri.. "relax syafinaz.." hahahaa.. terbayang wajah doktor tu ajar aku care nk hilangkan stress.. tetapi.. memandangkan dh 3 tahun aku alami stress yg sgt teruk.. doktor kate .. mase utk sembuh bukan sehari due.. maybe ambil mase bertahun jugak nk sembuh.. kena pandai kawal diri.. hurm.. =/
p/s : syu.. everything u sent to me in wechat.. i've read it.. sorry.. don't know why.. don't know how to explain.. miss to hear ur story.. ur voice.. ur joke.. ur crying.. please don't do the same like me do.. i want hear ur story everyday.. like usually.. even i'm not respond or reply ur text.. ='(
tlg jangan senyapkan diri sbb ade org yg masih syg kan awak.. ite akn reply msg awak bile dh sedia nnt.. insyaAllah..

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Assalammualaikum w.b.t

hehe.. DB (dear blogger).. harini aku cuti.. ambil cuti sakit.. kelmarin cuti separuh hari.. smalam ambil cuti.. harini pon ambil cuti gak.. huhuhuu.. demam.. sakit kepale.. mcm mane lah ckgu siti handle ank murid aku slame 2 harini.. duduk rumah agak sedikit bosan.. x tau nk buat ape.. hehehee...
nak dgr cite x?? pagi td kan.. kepale buat hal.. jd pegi la dapur nak mkn panadol.. bile mkn ubat tu rase lain mcm je.. berangin.. panadol berangin ke?? x kan?? jadi tanye la ibu.. panadol ni elok lagi ke dh basi??? ibu kate tu bukan panadol... then ibu pegi ambil panadol bg kat aku.. alahai.. ntah ubat ape la yg aku telan td.. aku x nak ambil tahu...hope xde effect kat aku nnt...
demam.. ibu kate ptg ni kne gak pegi klinik.. sbb takut denggi.. ye la kan.. skrg kan musim demam denggi... huhuu.. okay lah.. stakat ni je dpt on komputer.. badan rase lemah.. kpale jgn ckp la.. brdenyut die.. sakit nye.. memng terbaik lah kan.. rase mcm nak hantuk kpale kat dinding pon ade jugak.. ok bye.. assalammualaikum...


Sunday, February 9, 2014


Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Dear Blogger.. kadang-2 setiap janji yg ditabur belum tentu dpt ditunaikan kan?? betul x??
tipu lah klau aku kate hati aku ni x terkesan dan terluka.. aku ni masih prempuan.. keras mcm mne pon hati.. dh namenye prempuan.. lembut jugakkn?? sbb Allah swt mencipta kan hati wanita ni lembut dan penuh kasih sayang.. n aku masih pegang janji die.. tp die cume beri harapan palsu je.. janji die masih ade dlm ingatan.. tp mungkin die dh lupe janji die.. xpe.. lupekan..
wujudnye yg pertama.. mungkin ade yg kedua.. tp tidak buat kali yg ketiga.. PELUANG.. itu prinsip aku.. tiade lagi peluang yg ketiga.. NEVER & SORRY..
let's begone by begone right?? hurm..

Aku tahu ini semua tak adil 
Aku tahu ini sudah terjadi 
Mau bilang apa aku pun tak sanggup 
Air mata pun tak lagi mau menetes
Alasannya seringkali ku dengar 
Alasannya seringkali kau ucap 
Kau dengannya seakan ku tak tahu 
Sandiwara apa yang telah kau lakukan kepadaku
Jujurlah sayang aku tak mengapa 
Biar semua jelas telah berbeda 
Jika nanti aku yang harus pergi 
Ku terima walau sakit hati
Mungkin ini jalan yang engkau mau
 Mungkin ini jalan yang kau inginkan 
Kau dengannya seakan ku tak tahu 
Sandiwara apa, ceritanya apa, aku tahu
Jujurlah sayang aku tak mengapa 
Biar semua jelas telah berbeda 
Jika nanti aku yang harus pergi 
Ku terima walau sakit hati
Jujurlah sayang aku tak mengapa 
Biar semua jelas telah berbeda 
Jika nanti aku yang harus pergi 
Ku terima walau sakit hati 
Ku terima walau sakit hati
*sejak bile aku jd jiwang ni?? pergh.. ni bukan diri aku ni... 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

2 feb

Assalammualaikum w.b.t..

Harini 2 feb 2014.. cepat mase berlalu kan..??
n ini bermakna dh sebulan aku bekerja die mesraventure n menjadi seorang guru tadika di tadika pasti as-syakirin.. 2 kerja tuuu.. hahahaa.. alhamdulillah.. thanks to my father.. klau bukan ayah.. fifi penanam anggur tegar.. hihihii.. skarang baru faham.. nk cari duit.. nk dptkan duit.. amat susah.. tp klau bab menghabiskn duit..?? semue sedia maklumkan?? mcm air terjun.. skejap je lesap.. habis.. kan?? kan?? kan?? baru tau susahsenang penatlelah seorang ayah mncari duit utk menampung prbelanjaan kami skeluarge.. terima kasih ayah.. sayang ayah..
sejak bekerja ni.. dh busy nk contact kengkawan.. klau time skolah.. mlm or ptg.. slalu oncall dgn moon.. slalu whatsapp dgn syifaa... slalu kluar ke bandar kajang dgn syu.. fau.. dkat skolah slalu jmpe kengkawan.. bile kerja ni.. dh xde pluang lagi dh.. klau aku cuti.. yg lain (bg ssape yg bkerja) belum tentu dpt cuti.. bile diorng cuti.. belum tentu aku dpt cuti.. hurm... dh mcm ni baru rase rindu pd zaman skolah.. nk pegi skolah (nk jmpe kengkawan).. hurm..
okay-2.. sejak jd guru ni kan.. baru aku faham ape perasaan seorng guru apabila anak muridnye tidak mndengar kata.. melawan kate.. tp maybe aku beruntung kerana aku mnjadi guru tadika.. anak murid x ramai.. mngajar pulak budak 4 tahun.. mcm mne pulak klau cikgu skolah mnengah ni?? nk ajar 40 murid dlm 1 kelas.. setiap murid lain prangai telatah kerenahnye.. nak-2 murid yg x dgr kate.. buat prangai dlm kelas.. melawan kate guru... cikgu msti ade kesabaran yg tggi utk handle pelajar-2 ni.. klau x,.. memng makin bnyak la berita guru belasah murid.. guru pukul murid.. guru bunuh murid.. nauzubillahiminzalik.. minta dijauhkan..