Tuesday, January 31, 2012

♥2PM♥SHINee♥Super Junior♥

annyeong... MyEm0.Com
u know which group that i'm really2 love right?? MyEm0.Com
ofcourse ♥2PM♥ ..

 i will become crazy if talking about 2PM♥
ok2.. let's continue.......
after ♥2PM
i'm falling in love to ♥SHINee♥ group..
i know SHINee♥ from 2PM idol army....

from here.. i know SHINee♥..

SHINee♥ MyEm0.Com

i watch hello baby... shinee son is so cute...
yoogeun♥shinee appa !!

 shinee appa is so cute with animal costume !!
i like !!

then, Super Juniorgroup !!!

erm.. i know super junior from my cousin..♥
first person i like in this group



and lastly,

allsuper juniorMyEm0.Com

I 2PM.....
K-POP hwaiting !! MyEm0.Com

Sunday, January 29, 2012


ok.. skrg nih lpekn jap 2pm.. (skejap jer... x smpai 2 saat..)
honestly, aq memng x ske tgok tv.. kcuali..
ade kcuali yerr..
ctew yg btol2 mnarikk minat aq jer bru aq layan...
mle dari ep 1... bukan dh pertengahan bru nk tgok...
it's not me ok... not my style...
sudah sminggu aq x tgok tv sbb x dew ctew yg best (sbenarnye x tgok tv un. mne nk tau ade ctew best ke x..)
thun lpas aq ade layan ctew "MONGA YAO HUI"

dari ep 1 smpai ep 100 lbey.. ( x igt ) tamat ctew niey khamis lepas..

lee wei - yao hui.. (watak utama)

die bekas ahli kongsi gelap...
ktue die jiang yi lang ( li lou )

lu wen hao (micheal zhang) , chen yao hui ( lee wei ) , xu fu cheng (jack li)
sbenar nyer 4 adek beradek angkat.. lagi sorng pompuan.. pic yg kt bwh niey..

hui fang (liang you lin)
4 org niey bekas ahli kongsi gelap time remaja..

then, wen hou ngn hui fang kluar dari kongsi gelap..
wen hou jadi seorg doctor.. hui fang x igt dye kje ape..
yg still jd ahli kongsi gelap yao hui ngn fu cheng..
then, yao hui kluar dari kongsi gelap sbb mak dye cbe bunuh diri klau yao hui still jd ahli kongsi gelap..

dh.. mls lha nk explain...

tgok pic je lha eh...

awek yao hui dlm cte monga you hui , li shu jun (lin yi xin)

adek kandung dr.lu wen hao dlm ctew monga yao hui,
xi xian (hwang weng sing)

 lu wen hao (micheal zhang)
skilas pandang dh mcm hwang chansung dlm group 2PM..

chansung ahli   ♥2PM♥
ok.. ble tgok blek x kot... erm.. ntah...
(cute plak pic chansung yg niey ♥)

ctew "MONGA YAO HUI" dah tamat dah...
rindu lak kt diorg.. -ok.. berbalik kpd 2PM-

Friday, January 27, 2012

I ♥ 2PM

안녕하세요 !!

dh lme x update blog.. hehe.. 죄송합니다 ..
mianhae.. x tau r nux post ape at blog nih... urm..

hehehe... this all my collection... if i saw about 2pm.. i want to buy it... i don't know why..
love it so much... 
♥♥ 2PM ♥♥

I ♥ 2PM

Friday, January 20, 2012

FB lame..

kikiki... salam...
FB lame dh active balek yeee...
sbb, dari FB lame tu lha aq dpt brhubung balek dgn kwn lame aq...
and cousin,auntie, all my family yg dok kt kmpng...
snang... jd terpkse lha active kn balek...
thanks fau sbb tlg activekan FB...
gomawo !!

n lagi 1..
ble aq add family aq gne fb bru..
x rmai yg app sbb diorg x knl aq..
aq ltak pic laen kt fb bru tu... nme un laen...
so,, activekn blek lha...


안녕하세요 !!!
huhu... td on9 fb...
ttbe terbace status chansung
'HOTTEST please pray for JUNSU hyung!'
aq plek?? nape lak ngn junsu... masok hosp lagi ke???
then, aq un bkak lha twitter.. status dye at twitter..

어제 저의 사랑하는 아버지가 너무나도 갑작스럽게 돌아가셨습니다. 가슴이 너무 아픕니다. 아버지가 좋은 곳에서 편히 있게 기도 해주세요..

Yesterday my beloved father has passed away so suddenly. Chest hurts me so much. Father to be a good place to relax ... Please pray..
 ok,, lpas bce bru aq phm nape... huhuhu..
be strong junsu hyung.. hwaiting !!

Friday, January 13, 2012


hi,, assalam..
tgn aq pedih + panas r..
sbb kne air panas td..
pedih kot..
dh lha aq baru panaskan air tu...
kene lak dari jari sampai pergelangan tgn..
memng mnahan kepedihan la skrg ni kn..
homework ade.. mcm mne la nux tulis klau pedihnye x hilang..
kalau kne tgn kiri x pe gak.. ni tgn kanan.. aduih !!
habes tgn aq merah.....
k lha smpai sni jea..
tgn aq dh x dpt nux mnaip ag dh...
bye,,, assalam,, MyEm0.Com

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


yeah !! MyEm0.Com
alamak !! x menyempat btol aq niy.. MyEm0.Com sorry yerk!! hehe..
assalammualaikum,, n slamat sjahtera !!
post yg lpas an aq kate kwn aq jd pndah skolah kn??
n now!! dye still kt S.A.A.S .. we're still same school !!
BUT not CLASSMATE again!! sbb dye klas atas..
klas dye memng kt ats un.. tingkt 3 x silap.. hehe..
dye GIGIH.. n aq FIKRAH !!
klau nux tau mne yg ats atau bwh.. eja lha ABC.. tgok uruf mne yg kluar dlu... hihi..
kiteorg amek subjek same.. tp kt dlm klas dye uh ley wat pilihan.. same ade nux subjek sains sukan atau prinsip akaun..
and thun ni.. tahun 2012 ni.. aq ngn bestie aq dh x same klas lagi.. huhuhuk... rse janggal un ade gak...
mne x nye.. aq ngn bestie aq tu classmate dari darjah 4 hingge lha form 3..
6 thun tau x?? hurm... MyEm0.Com
miss!! miss!! miss!! miss!! i miss my friend's very much !!
asl lha 8 org dlu x same klas lg erk??
lalalalala.. mule lha mcm2 persoalan yg akn timbul dlm kpale otak aq ni nnt..
k lha... nux tito.. esok an skolah... dh x ley bngun lmbat lagi mcm 10 hari yang lpas..

salam, ;] MyEm0.Com

rindu nux lepak kt blakang klas mcm thun lpas ngn 8 org yg sporting tu.. hurm..

Friday, January 6, 2012

;( huhuhu..isk..isk..


isk..isk... harini aq bnyk nanges r...
ape yg aq impikan dh ade dpan mate.. cme x dpt nux cpai jea..
pisah lha aq ngn bestfriends aq.. sdey kot..
dye msok skolah vokasional.. aq??
aq dpt tp x pegi.. huhuhu... MyEm0.Com
dh lha mohon pada ari yg same.. mase je laen.. tempat same.. jurusan same..
bile dh dapat.. x dpt lak nux pegi.. sbb ayh x bg pegi.. isk..isk... MyEm0.Com
aq nux sgt pegy...
rindu lha aq nnt..
huhuhu.. smoge berjaya yeah!!
dh lha.. aq mls dh nux pikir lagi..
esok dh lha skolah..
stay fikrah lha nmpknye aq ni...
harap2 mate aq x bengkak esok..

Thursday, January 5, 2012

muhuhuhu... :\

harini hari kedue aq sekolah..
aq dpt masuk kelas 4 FIKRAH...
*prinsip akaun
*ekonomi asas
*add math
insyaallah aq akn tukar kelas.. itupon klau dpt lha..
aq nux amek ICT..
td aq check permohonan aq... mak aihh!! dpt kot..
tp aq x dpt nux pegi lha skolah tu..
ayh aq x bg... huhuhuk...
and now, otak aq dh x dpt nux hafal lagi..
dh x dpt nux save lg dh...
memory rosak...
slame ni blajar sains dlm bhase english.. skrg BM lak..
td ckgu suh hafal.. tp aq x dpt hafal langsung.. nux igt un dh x boley..
aq rse time uh down abes r.. nux nanges pon ade gak..
padahal ckgu x tnye un.. ckgu cme suh hafal jerk..
add math lg dpt ckgu yg.. perghh!! boley tahan gak lha garang dye...
PMR kn dh lpas.. jd formula math yg lpas sume dh delete lha..
aq un x tao mcm mne math aq boley dpt B..
aigooo.. akaun ag.. ckgu ckp nnt kne wat kje kursus..
tu memng dh biase r kn.. tp nux presentation tu yg aq x suke..
aq ni dh lha jenis malu2 leapord..
huhuhuk.. ape aq nux wat ni??? ibu aq kate mule2 blajar memng susah..
lme2 ok lha.. snang...
uhuuuhuhuhuhu... :(